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Maths Blast Afterschool Clubs

Why run a Maths Blast! afterschool club?

Maths Blast! clubs are a fantastic addition to the national curriculum, and create an excitement for maths which is then carried forward into the classroom. They show the real world applications of maths both in industry and nature.


How does it work?

1. Contact Maths Blast through our contact form.

2. We will then run a free half-hour interactive taster session for your school and give out the booking information. 

3. Students take home the information and fill in our online booking form and payment.

4. We then run a six-week Maths Blast! afterschool club at the agreed dates and times.

5. Once the club has finished you’ll receive a ‘thank you’ package with display matierials.


How long does the club last?

A club runs for one hour each week after school for six weeks.


Who pays for it?

The clubs are completely parent funded at a cost of £60 per student for all six sessions. That’s £10 a session. All your school needs to provide is a classroom for one hour a week and a hall for the half hour Maths Blast! stage show!


How many children can attend?

The minimum club size is 6 students. The maximum is 24.

Club Catalogue

Check out our selection of exciting clubs

If your school is already running a club then book your space here.


System 1 : Shapes

‘Shapes’ is an exciting way to look at the shapes students will already have been introduced to in school and literally build on them to create new mind-bending forms.

Week 1: Fractal Fun

What happens if you repeat a pattern over and over again? Find out in this class as we build a huge spaghetti pyramid.

Week 2: Topological Tricks

Can you escape from these twists and turns? We use escapology to investigate the properties of weird and wonderful


Week 3: Awesome Origami

How can paper have so many sides and how am I making all these shapes? Make your own shapes and a toy through the art of paper folding.

Week 4: Draw Like an Egyptian

Taking it back to basics as we look at how scale drawing started. We create our own compasses and use them to draw some epic shapes.

Week 5: Pointy Domes

Which is the strongest shape and why? We use the answer to build a huge dome using the strongest 2D shape around!

Week 6: How We Roll

The wheel is one of the most important inventions ever, but why does it work? Students create their own wheels and we look at some other designs humanity could have chosen.



System 2: Computing


The computing club provides fantastic links to the real world and introduces the exciting world of computer science!

Week 1: How Do Computers Count?

Did I read your mind or did I do some maths? We explore binary and other counting systems through a mind reading trick.

Week 2: Searching and Sorting

Pick a card, any card! An investigation into how computers search and sort with the aid of playing cards and ping pong balls.

Week 3: Domino Circuits

Don't let them topple! Logic gates and circuits built from dominos make for a carefully constructed class!

Week 4: Error Correction and Sudoku

Did you know computers solve Sudoku? ‘Why’ and ‘how’ are the subject of this class.

Week 5: Clockwork Creations

Cogs, gears and spinning things. Why are some of the gears bigger than others and what effect does that have? We find out by building our own clockwork machines.


System 3: Games and Probability

Does it ever feel like you’re always losing at some of your favourite games? Ever wondered if there was something you could do differently to win? Well, look no further! In ‘Games’ we investigate some classic games to see if we can find a winning strategy and how this translates to real life.

Week 1: Interpreting Games

We play a variety of games to find out the different ways we can interpret games and even play games in the fourth dimension.

Week 2: Going in Circles

In some games it seems like any one option is as good as another. We play a classic game, see how animals play this same game and discover the amazing results!

Week 3: Winners and Losers

Do all games have one winner and one loser? Some games don’t. Find out which and why this is of importance in the real world through this fascinating class.

Week 4: Lottery Winners

Should you play the lottery and how certain are you of winning? We look at the basics of probability and play our own lottery and bingo to see just what the odds are of winning a prize.

Week 5: Cunning Coins

Flipping a coin to decide seems fair, there’s just heads and tails right? Find out why it’s not as simple as that when we investigate the idea of bias.

Week 6: The Game of Life

If you wanted to make self-replicating machines, how would you do it? The maths was actually done before the invention of computers. We play the game of life and dig into it's mysteries.

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